Private Lines Info and Private Locators

Infographic courtesy of North Carolina 811 (

Idaho Code requires underground facility owners to locate and mark only the lines they own and maintain.

Utility companies own and maintain public lines, and each company may define at exactly what point its service ends, whether on public or private property. At the utility company’s expense, utility lines are located to the “dissemination point” or “point of service,” which usually means up to the meter.

Underground lines that extend beyond the dissemination point are private lines. They are typically not installed, owned, or maintained by the utility company. Effective July 1, 2019 the facility owner is responsible to locate water, sewer and stormwater service laterals located in the public Right of Way (R/O/W) up to the edge of the property. Private lines may include water and sewer laterals, utility lines to an outbuilding, sprinkler irrigation systems (pivots), gas barbecue grills, or lines connected to a propane tank or septic system.

Before excavation, the excavator should check with the property owner as to the location of private lines. If you need to locate private lines, consider hiring one of the locators below. If you need additional information, contact DIGLINE, and we will be happy to assist you. These private lines will not be located by a public facility owner/utility.


The information provided below is offered as a convenience to property owners. Digline does not endorse the organizations listed nor any views they express or any products or services they offer. Digline is not responsible, and specifically disclaims any responsibility, for any products or services performed by these organizations. Digline assumes no legal liability for the actions or inactions of the organizations, nor for the accuracy, completeness or usefulness of their products or services.

Any company that provides utility locating services in Idaho can be included on this webpage by contacting Digline via 811 or 1-800-342-1585.

Eastern Idaho710 Locating
Mike Nassar
Southern Idaho – including Twin Falls,
Burley, Sun Valley, Pocatello, and Boise
Advanced Underground Imaging Services
David Patterson
Central to Northern IdahoAdvanced Underground Utility Locating
Shawn Rushing
Bannock, Bingham, Power, Cassia,
Franklin, and Caribou counties
A & E Engineering Inc – Wyatt Radke
All shallow ground utilities
Services include: GPR
All AreasA Private Locator of Idaho
Michael Gilstrap
All AreasBadger Daylighting
Zack Funk & Josh Piper
Southern Idaho including Twin Falls,
Burley, Sun Valley, McCall, Pocatello,
Idaho Falls, and Boise area
BP Locating
Brixen Price
Services include; private locate, design locate, GPR,
and fault finding
Eastern Idaho – American Falls north to
MT, east to WY, and south to UT, including Pocatello/Idaho Falls
ELM Locating
Alan Volbrecht
Southwestern Idaho – North to Riggins, east to Mtn Home, west to OR, and south to NVELM Locating
Ed Illingworth
From Oregon/Idaho border to Twin Falls, McCall, and the Treasure ValleyFlattline Locating
Bryan Flatt
Ada CountyHidden Pet Fence
Randall Roberts
U/G Pet Fences & Private Sprinklers Only
All AreasHoneywell Smart Energy
Aaron Gold
All AreasLateral Concepts, LLC – Brad
Sewer & Septic Only
All AreasMagic Valley Locates
Bob Pace
Bonner & Kootenai CountiesPanhandle Private Locate – Chris
Water & Sewer Lines, Sewer Tanks, Comms Lines, Private Gas & Power Lines, Energized Lines
Central to Norther IdahoPME Utility Inspections, LLC – Paul
Mt Home to OregonQuality Electric208-375-1300
Idaho Falls to OregonQuality Line Locating, LLC – Taylor Rohan208-250-2832
Wester IdahoSummit Utility Services – Carlos Silva
Power, Fiber, Comms Lines
South Central IdahoSummit Utility Services – Wendy Thorton
Power, Fiber, Comms Lines
Eastern IdahoSummit Utility Services – Al Reece
Power, Fiber, Comms Lines
Northern IdahoSummit Utility Services – Mike Ayhan
Power, Fiber, Comms Lines