
Locate Requests for Design or Survey

Including underground utility facilities in the design of any major construction project benefits everyone involved. Nothing is more frustrating than to plan, design, and anticipate construction but then find out there are underground utilities within the area that require revisions to the original plan. This can be a very costly mistake both in time and money. Designing your project by including the utilities at the beginning of this phase is a win-win solution. Design Locates are defined as requests for maps and/or marking of utilities during the planning stage of a project. This may be done several months prior to any excavation taking place. Each utility handles the process differently however, and provides this service as a courtesy.

Facility Contact Request

If you need to contact known underground facility owners about a project you are planning in the area, DIGLINE can provide a list of contacts. You will need to be a current DIGLINE Utility Member or an Associate Member to receive the requested information from DIGLINE. Once you are an Associate Member, by calling 811 or submitting the Facility Contact Request form you can request a list of DIGLINE Member utilities that may be affected by your project.

NOTE: a Facility Contact List request is NOT a standard Request to Locate or a Design Request; DIGLINE will not notify any utilities of your project.

Surveying – Design Request

If your project is still in the design stage and you need facility maps or markings of the utilities at the future project site for surveying purposes, call DIGLINE at 811 or complete an online Locate Request, selecting “Design” as your ticket type. Since no digging will take place, Designs requests do not fall under Idaho Code and do not obligate Utility Members to respond. However, most will do so as a courtesy. Those utilities that choose to respond have up to 10 days to do so once the ticket has been processed.

Test Holes – Locate Request

If you will be drilling test holes, you will need to call 811 or complete an online Locate Request to submit a Standard Locate Ticket. Test Hole Drilling is defined as Excavation under Idaho Code.