Standard Request
A standard request has a 2 business day turn around. This notification excludes weekends and holidays. Idaho Code requires utilities be notified no less than 2 business days and no more than 10 business days before the planned excavation date.
Effective July 1, 2023, Locate Requests are valid for 28 days starting the day after the request is submitted. Excavators need to call back and update their request to keep a ticket active.
Meet Request
Caller requests to meet with all locators at one date/time (usually 2 business days from the call) to go over excavation plans. To expedite your request, pre-mark the area of dig site in white, and supply a copy of the map for each locator. Locators are not required to mark at the time of the meet and have the 2 business days following the meet to complete any marks.
Design Request
Request for locates involving design/survey (no excavation taking place). Utilities will contact the requester by phone or email within 7 business days to make arrangements on marking utilities or sending maps. (Click here for more information)
Second Request
If any utility has failed to notify and mark their facility within the required two (2) business days, excavators are encouraged to re-notify DIGLINE. Allow an additional 8 hours to respond to the second request. Please have your original ticket number available when calling for a second request. (This is applicable only to Standard Requests and Updates)
An update is used for a continuation of a job, modifying and/or revising the original dig instructions. An example is an ongoing road construction project. As workers move further down the road, they can call in to have the ticket updated to send locators out to mark the new area. Please retain your ticket number for calling in requests for updates.
An Emergency is when excavation must be done as soon as possible due to clear and present danger to life or property damage, or if there is a non-planned customer service outage. A Priority is the same as an Emergency, however, if an immediate response time is not required, please give an approximate time of excavation.