Step 1: Pre Mark
Pre-mark on-site the path of excavation with white paint or, as the circumstances require, other reasonable means that will set out clearly the path of excavation.

Step 2: Request Locate
Before commencing excavation, the excavator shall… Provide notice of the scheduled commencement of excavation to all underground facility owners through a one-number notification service…at least 2 business days but no more than 10 business days prior to excavation.
Request a LocateStep 3: Confirm Marks
The underground facility owner or the owner’s agent shall locate and mark its locatable underground facilities with reasonable accuracy. Excavators shall not excavate until all known facilities have been marked.

Step 4: Maintain Marks
Once marked by the owner of the underground facility, the excavator is responsible for maintaining the markings.

Step 5: Excavate Safely
An excavator shall use reasonable care to avoid damaging underground facilities. An excavator shall: (a) Determine by hand digging, in the area twenty-four (24) inches or less from the facilities, the precise actual location of underground facilities that have been marked; (b) Plan the excavation to avoid damage to or minimize interference with underground facilities in and near the excavation area; and (c) Provide such support for underground facilities in and near the construction area, including during backfill operations, as may be reasonably necessary for the protection of such facilities.
Idaho’s Guide to Safe Digging